Jian Feng sued his wife for giving birth to what he
called an "incredibly ugly" girl.
"I married my wife out of love, but as
soon as we had our first daughter, we
began having marital issues," he told the
Irish Times. "Our daughter was incredibly
ugly, to the point where it horrified me."
Initially Jian accused his wife of infidelity, because
he knew he could never be the father of an
unattractive child. However, DNA tests proved that
the child was indeed his. Feng's wife then came
clean and admitted she had about $100,000 worth
of cosmetic surgery done in South Korea before
they met.
Feng sued his wife on grounds of false pretenses,
for not telling him the truth about the plastic
surgery, and duping him into believing that she
was beautiful. A judge agreed with Feng's argument
and ordered his wife to fork over $120,000.