It may cure your headache. Before reaching for that pain reliever, you might want to try an all-natural approach. One study found that 60 percent of migraine sufferers reported that sex helped ease their pain. Yep, it's that good.
An apple a day can boost your sex life. According to one study, women who ate the fruit once a day had higher sexual quality of life. Plus, apples are delicious, so it's a win-win.
Having an orgasm can make pillow talk better.Well, obviously. But research actually found that post-sex
communication is more intimate and open if you climaxed. We call that motivation.
communication is more intimate and open if you climaxed. We call that motivation.
Sex is a great addition to your regular workout.You've probably heard that sex is a great form of exercise—and then heard that fact debunked. Okay, so you won't be shedding any serious weight on a fitness routine of sex alone, but Canadian researchers found that the level of intensity during sex was practically two-thirds that of exercise. AKA, the perfect supplement to your usual workout.
More people prefer coffee to sex. Researchers conducted the survey of over 7,000 and found that 51 percent of them said they could go longer without sex than they could go without coffee. Clearly those people don't know that orgasms can be a great morning pick-me-up, too—or maybe they just really love their Starbucks. (We understand.)
People in New Mexico are having the longest sex sessions. Spreadsheet, a relationship app created to help users monitor their performance in the bedroom, ranked states by their staying power between the sheets. The states with most stamina: New Mexico, West Virginia, Idaho, South Carolina, and Missouri.
You can induce sex dreams by your sleep position.If you're not dreaming about Channing Tatum as much as you'd like, you might want to switch up how you sleep. A study published in Dreaming found that people who slept face down on their stomach with their arms stretched above their head had more sexual dreams—including ones about affairs with celebrities. Bring it on.